Pupils from 5th and 6th Classes participated in Córfhéile na Scoileanna at the National Basketball Arena in Dublin today. Córfhéile na Scoileanna aims to provide a platform for music activities, and enables children to share in and enjoy the performances of other groups, free from the stress of competition. Our group provided the assembled audience with a mixture of music, song and dance.
A variety of instruments were used during our performance – ukuleles, tin whistles, harps, accordions, concertinas, a guitar and a flute. We thank our teachers and our caretaker Frank, and we extend a special thank you to Stephen Fagan from Music Generation who has been teaching us how play the ukulele for some time now, and who joined us on stage for the performance. We also thank parents who joined us in Dublin and who kindly recorded the following videos. Please have a peek and bainigí sult as (enjoy)!