Digital Technology

St Mary’s is proud to be in the forefront of primary D.T. education and initiatives; having a state of the art computer suite along with the presence of a skilled support teacher, enabling staff and pupils to access technical support and guidance whenever required. The school also recognises that in order to meet the D.T. needs essential nowadays for pupils to maximise their achievements, our children need to be able to achieve competence in a variety of skills. Accordingly, the school has developed its own D.T. curriculum covering areas such as Scratch, Coding, BeeBot and Cybersafety along with all the Word Processing and research skills.


We are constantly updating and replenishing our D.T. resources and have a wealth of equipment in the school such as iPads and an iPad charging trolley, 32 Chromebooks and a Chromebook charging trolley, tablets, mini laptops, BeeBots, Microbits, Green Screen, Lego Boost, We Do and Prime, and 3 3D printers! 



Among the highlights of the school year is our Digital Fair, held annually in April, which showcases the abundance of our school based activities and resources. The Digital School’s Committee, made of staff, pupils and parents plays a pivotal role in organising this event and progressing the role of D.T. within the school overall. Why not check our Facebook page to help keep you up to date and find out more.