Last Friday St Mary’s marked the first week of Advent with a special Assembly. We lit the first purple candle and pupils from Senior Infants sang a gorgeous Christmas song to remind us about the Baby Jesus.
Sr Claudia Bradley, one of our former principals, spoke to the children and staff about her continued fundraising for Linda Community School in Zambia.

She took us through a slide show which showed the evolution of the school from a cold concrete one-roomed dwelling to what is today, a Primary and Secondary School with fully functioning classrooms. Our fundraising over the years has helped towards this project.

She explained how the problems of drought and famine impact on school attendance. Some children might not eat for three days.

Our non-uniform day on Friday brought in further donations which will go directly to fund a caretaker to oversee the school building and ensure it is kept in good working order. Sr Claudia would like to express her deepest gratitude to all the parents, guardians and staff who so generously contributed to this worthy cause.
She taught us all to say the ‘thank you’ in Zambian – ‘Zikomo’