Our Green Pledge
We, the pupils of this school, promise to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, in our Race Against Waste and to keep ‘GREEN COOL in St Mary’s School’.
Our Water Pledge
Save your water night and day!
Even if you are away!
In the pool or in the shower!
You can help – use your power!
If you want a water fight,
Think about it over night!
If you do, you are cool!
We save water in St Mary’s School!
Our Transport Pledge
Save our planet night and day,
Walk on Wednesday, that’s the way!
If you want to travel far,
Take a bus, NOT a car.
Cycle on Wednesday you know how,
Follow these rules, C.O.W. and W.O.W.!
At St Mary’s we’ll show you how!
Our Energy Pledge
We, the pupils, of St Mary’s School,
Are going to do something very cool.
Promise to save energy every day,
And be eco-friendly along the way!
We can help the world, let’s start right now!
At St Mary’s School we’ll show you how!
Our Green Home Pledge
Green is cool, at home and at school!
Here at St Mary’s, we’ve got one ‘Golden’ rule!
‘Ní neart go cur le chéile’, is what our motto says,
When we all work together, we’ll find better ways!
See www.greenhome.ie
Small acts at home, resound globally!
Our Biodiversity Pledge
Biodiversity is the best,
And so important as you’ve guessed,
The earth is unique, we only have one,
People, plants and creatures living under the sun.
Animals need us to survive,
We need them to keep us alive!
Protecting our world is the key to life,
At St Mary’s School, we’ll do it right!