Sacramental preparation is a long-standing tradition at St Mary’s and is valued by Catholic parents and the general Catholic community in the parish of Trim. For countless decades Mercy Order Sisters taught in the school and they played pivotal roles in preparing our pupils for First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. This work is now undertaken by lay teachers in conjunction with the parish community. Our committed staff and in particular the teachers of 2nd Class (First Confession and First Holy Communion) and 6th Class (Confirmation) invest a great deal of time and effort in preparing and supporting pupils, along with their families, in the sacramental journey of faith.
Parents of pupils preparing for First Holy Communion help to organise the very successful ‘Do This In Memory of Me‘ programme. This is a parish-based programme of preparation for First Holy Communion centred in the parish celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and in the home. The programme is designed to facilitate parents, families and the parish’s active involvement in the preparation for the sacrament. It complements and supports the work of sacramental preparation in the school.
Confirmation is a parish celebration and we share the celebration of this sacrament with the other Catholic schools in our parish. The Bishop of Meath visits the parish to confirm the pupils and this ceremony usually takes place in spring each year.